
MMR is excited to introduce the Multicultural Speakers Showcase. In this section, we feature speakers who are available to speak on a wide range of topics at conferences, symposiums and multicultural events around the country.






Rosa V. Alonso CEO and President, Rosa Alonso Productions LLC

Neeta Bhasin, President & CEO, ASB Communications


Ron Campbell, President and Chief Strategist, Campbell Communications

Wesley Combs, President and Co-founder, Witeck-Combs Communications Inc.

Dr. Andrew Erlich, President, Erlich Transcultural Consultants


Saul Gitlin, EVP, Strategic Services, Kang & Lee Advertising


Tari Hartman Squire, Founder and CEO, EIN SOF Communications

Julia Huang, CEO, interTrend

Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D., Florida State University


Carl J. Kravetz, Chairman/Chief Strategic Officer, cruz/kravetz:IDEAS

Eric Lipp, Executive Director & Founder, Open Doors Organization


Robert "Bob" McNeil, Jr., President and CEO, IMAGES USA.


Emil Morales, Chief Operating Officer - TNS Multicultural.


David Morse, President and CEO, New American Dimensions, Inc.

Jo Muse, Chairman/CEO, Muse Communications, Inc.

Esther Novak, President & Founder, Vanguard Communications


William Ortiz, President, HispanicWorks and GlobalWorks Multicultural Division

Stephen Palacios, Partner, Cheskin New York

David Peréz, CEO, Latin Force


Jorge E. Reynardus, Co-founder / President , Reynardus & Moya Advertising

Terry Simmons, CEO and Managing Partner, Simmons Associates, Inc.
Lisa Skriloff, President, Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.


Terry J. Soto, President and CEO, About Marketing Solutions, Inc.


Luke Visconti, Partner and Co-founder, DiversityInc




Rosa V. AlonsoRosa V. Alonso
CEO and President, Rosa Alonso Productions LLC


Rosa Alonso is an accomplished media, marketing and sales executive who has dedicated much of her 15+ year career to launching and directing integrated Multicultural and International initiatives for Fortune 100 companies as well start-up media ventures. She is a pioneer in Segment marketing, particularly in the Hispanic consumer and media space, and is recognized for her success in delivering customers and profitability by creating and directing "best-in-class" multi-platform initiatives in the wireless, media (online, television, publishing) and financial services industries. 

In early 2007 Ms. Alonso launched a new media company targeting the bicultural Latino in the U.S.. The company provides media platforms and culturally-relevant content and services for this largest – and often overlooked – segment of the U.S. Hispanic population. 

Ms. Alonso’s extensive professional experience includes senior leadership roles with both Fortune 100 companies as well as start-up ventures in the Hispanic online and print media space.  She was most recently Senior Vice President of Edelman Multicultural, Edelman’s award-winning multicultural marketing practice, where she led a multi-million dollar national operation that specialized in marketing to the Hispanic, African American and Youth/Urban segment markets.  In her role, she supported a wide range of industries and categories, such as consumer products, food & beverage, retail, entertainment, sports, telecommunications, interactive and technology, travel & tourism, financial services and healthcare.

Prior Edelman, she was Senior Director of International and Multicultural Marketing at AT&T Wireless, where she led teams responsible for all phases of strategic planning, marketing and program execution, online and offline, for Multicultural (Hispanic, African American and Asian American) as well as International, which included the general consumer and B2B segments.  

Ms. Alonso received her B.A. from Barnard College, Columbia University and her MBA from Columbia Business School. She is a frequent speaker, energetic lecturer and passionate advocate. Her most recent speaking topics include:

  • "Overcoming the Borg Syndrome."  Multicultural marketing and customer segmentation, why forgetting our 101s as marketers is plain bad marketing and recommendations for new as well as existing practitioners, or "Multiculturers."

  • "Me escuchas? Are you listening?" The convergence of media, wireless services and new technologies and its implications for Hispanic broadcast, cable and satellite services operators as well as marketers.

  • "AT&T Wireless: A Case Study in best practices" How to capture customer intelligence and create the organizational infrastructure necessary to measure and grow success.

  • "Beyond Translation...Transcreation": How to keep your creative loyal to your core brand values while resonating with cultural, language and lifestyle differences.

Tel. & Fax:  201-947-3167; Mobile:  201-314-9712, Email: rosaalonso@aol.com



NeetaNeeta Bhasin, President & CEO, ASB Communications

Neeta Bhasin is the President/CEO of ASB Communications, a full service multicultural communications agency dedicated to the ethnic markets -- especially to the South Asians (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal) in North America. Neeta has a personal relationship with the community and the media. She knows the areas of community concentration. She knows which media works for her client's product/service. Aside from possessing psychographic insight, she also possesses insight on the psychology of this vibrant, affluent, evolved and fastest growing ethnic group in the USA. She is also a media person, and hosts a live show on ITV, a New York/New Jersey channel dedicated to the South Asian Diaspora.


ASB Communications carries out independent non commissioned research in the U.S. South Asian markets. ASB is the only agency that has prepared three white papers on the Canadian Asian-Indian Markets. ASB has more than 100 consultants and executives nationwide. Some of the clients ASB is working with or have worked with in North America are: Moneygram, HSBC, Sahara Group (one of the largest conglomerates in India), Reliance Group (one of the top 5 conglomerates in India), Western Union and many more. 


Key Speech Titles:


"Gain insight into the South Asian population and evaluate the market potential of this ever growing ethnic group and how it differs from the overall Asian population.” 


"Why is This Small Approximately 4.5 Million-Strong Community so Important to Your Bottom-Line?"


"Understand the uniqueness of ethnic idioms for this market."


"Understand the growing concerns and reasons of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Diabetes among South Asians."


For more information please visit us at: www.asbcommunications.com
Ph. 212-216-9305, Email: nbhasin@asbcommunications.com





Neeta BhasinRon Campbell, President and Chief Strategist, Campbell-Communications

Ron Campbell is the president and chief strategist for Campbell-Communications. Campbell-Communications is an expert research and consulting company, as well as, a leader in strategy development for multicultural markets.

As the founder of a professional, research, and consulting group, Ron has provided leadership to agencies and corporations eager to create targeted marketing plans for multi-cultural segments.  Ron has provided research and guidance to clients that include MDavis & Co Research, The US Census, Fannie Mae, GSD&M, Spike/DDB, and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines,

While at �blue chip� advertising agencies Ron honed his skills developing strategies for Fortune 500 companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Richardson Vick, and Sears.

Due to Ron�s expertise and experience he has been quoted in major dailies including The New York Times, and The Baltimore Times, as well as industry specific publications such as Advertising Age and CRM Magazine. Ron has a clear vision and passion for developing successful strategies along with contributing to creative development and the overarching marketing communications strategy.

Ron holds a B.S. from New York University and an MBA from the University of Illinois.

For a complete bio, recent clients and services visit http://www.Campbell-Communications.com

Ron is an energetic and engaging presenter who speaks on various topics including:

  • The Bi-Polar African American Market: Baby Boomers and Youth
  • The African American Baby Boomers; A New Growth Opportunity Market
  • Why Bother? African Americans Get My Baseline Message, Don�t They?
  • �Strategic Blending� Maximizing Limited Marketing Resources To Reach Multicultural Markets
  • Black Health Care Management and Communications
  • Youth Marketing Urban or Global?
  • Hip Hop Who Are You Targeting vs. Reaching?
  • Measuring & Evaluating Brand Relationships
  • Crisis Management Begins Before It Happens-Laying the Groundwork

Ph. 718-671-6989, Email: ron@campbell-communications.com




Wesley CombsWesley Combs, President and Co-founder, Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc.

Wesley Combs is president and co-founder of Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc., the nation's premier marketing communications and public relations firm specializing in developing strategies for companies looking to reach the gay and lesbian consumer market. His clients include Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, American Airlines, Logo and Motorola.

Combs has more than twenty years experience in strategic planning, market research, and marketing communications in the private and non-profit sectors. Prior to founding Witeck-Combs, he worked for over seven years as a marketing executive with IBM.

Combs serves on the Business Council of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest GLBT civil rights organization. He also serves on the National Advisory Board of the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition.

The Gay Financial Network (
GFN.com) named Wes Combs and his co-founder, Bob Witeck as one of the 25 most influential openly gay and lesbian executives in corporate America two years in a row (1999 and 2000.) In April 2003, American Demographics magazine identified Combs and Witeck as two of the most influential 25 experts over the last 25 years for their path breaking work on the gay and lesbian market.

Speaking Topics have included: Top Questions Smart Marketers Ask about the Gay Market; Future Trends in the Gay Market; How to Develop Actionable Strategies in the Gay Market; Preparing for Backlash from Gay Marketing Outreach.

Ph. 202-887-0500 Ext. 14; Email: wcombs@witeckcombs.com



Dr. Andrew ErlichDr. Andrew Erlich, President, Erlich Transcultural Consultants

Dr. Andrew Erlich works with companies that want to get a competitive edge by reaching out to new markets and by attracting and retaining the best employees.


Andy's programs include:

Reaching Out Across Cultures - Successfully (What every salesman needs to know)

  • Tap into Dr. Erlich's 24 years of experience to understand the dynamics of America's changing marketplace.

  • Understand how culture (yours and your customers) relates to sales success.

  • Learn the secrets of successfully selling to people from different cultural backgrounds.

The Culturally Competent Manager

  • How to hire and retain the best employees from diverse backgrounds without letting your biases get in the way.

  • Understand and avoid common mistakes managers make when they communicate with diverse employees.

  • Equip your organization with the skills it needs in order to motivate across cultures.

You Think Basketball Players Are Tall? Freeing the Giant

  • Learn how Andy's 8'6 1/2" Uncle Jake turned a liability into an asset.

  • Gain the awareness necessary to avoid the dangers of stereotyping.

  • Discover how this silent film and vaudeville star, circus giant, artist and salesman wisely and successfully dealt with human differences.

Andy has been a Cross-Cultural psychologist, speaker, trainer, consultant, researcher and president of his firm, Erlich Transcultural Consultants, since 1979. He is an active member of the National Speakers Association, The Speakers Academy and the Arizona Speakers Association.




Click here for more information about Dr. Andrew Erlich and
Erlich Transcultural Consultants.

Ph. 818-623-2425, Email: aerlich@etcethnic.com, joan@etcethnic.com




Saul GitlinSaul Gitlin is the Executive Vice President of Strategic Services for Kang & Lee Advertising, the leading Asian multicultural marketing and communications agency in the United States.

As a nationally recognized strategist in the field of multicultural marketing, Saul is heavily published and has been quoted in a wide range of media including NPR, USA Today, The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, Advertising Age, Brandweek, and many industry-specific publications. He also regularly addresses national conferences sponsored by IIR, SRI, and industry trade groups. Prior to joining Kang & Lee, Saul worked for 10 years in senior marketing and consulting positions for multinational corporations in the People's Republic of China, Israel, and the United States.


He is completely fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Hebrew, and French and holds a B.A. in Asian Studies from Cornell, an M.A. in East Asian Studies from Yale, and an M.B.A. in Marketing from Columbia. Saul's full bio and a list of his published articles are available at http://www.kanglee.com/about/bio_saul_gitlin.html

Saul's speech topics include, among others:

  • The Rise of the Multicultural Consumer - a full introduction to the three largest multicultural consumer audiences in the United States.

  • Asian American Market 101 - A complete overview of the Asian American consumer landscape.

  • Researching Asian American Consumers

  • Advertising to Asian Americans: Beyond Translation

  • Direct Marketing to Asian Americans

  • Marketing Financial Services to Asian Americans

  • The Automotive Opportunity in the Asian American Market

  • Asian American Market - New Frontier for the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

  • The Multicultural Business-to-Business (B2B) Opportunity

Ph. 212-375-8130, Email: SAUL_GITLIN@kanglee.com


Saul GitlinTari Hartman Squire, Founder and CEO, EIN SOF Communications – the leading strategic marketing, PR, market research and special events company specializing in disability, diversity and public policy.


Tari Hartman Squire established EIN SOF in 1987 as the first strategic marketing/PR firm specializing in disability, diversity and public policy. Current/recent clients include Cingular Wireless; AOL; UCLA Anderson School of Management’s Leadership Institute for Managers with Disabilities; Microsoft; Bank of America; Walgreens; Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation; Disability Funders Network; Universal Studios (Ray DVD with DVS® for blind audiences); Nickelodeon; Smithsonian Institution; and Mattel/Toys “R” Us launch of Becky® (Barbie’s wheelchair-using friend). Her 1990 award-winning My Left Foot promotional tie-in with the Americans with Disabilities Act launched disability niche marketing.


With strategic partner Nielsen NRGi, their “Disability Community Market Research Initiative” focus groups build business cases for marketing with and employment of people with disabilities. Hartman Squire is a highly sought speaker and/or disability awareness trainer for entities like The Conference Board; National Retail Federation’s Council on Diversity; Macy’s West; Kennedy Center’s Leadership Exchange in Arts & Disability; and U.S. Department of Justice’s ADA Business Connection.


She advises AP Stylebook on disability-savvy language, is fluent in American Sign Language; is a source for and/or appeared in Adweek; Fortune Small Business; DiversityInc.; Wall Street Journal; NY Times; LA Times; ABC News 20/20; among others; co-authored Making News: How to Gain Coverage for Disability Rights, and serves on diversity/multicultural committees for the TV Academy and PR Society of America. In 1979, after employment discrimination, she spearheaded SAG Committee of Performers with Disabilities and has focused her life work on eliminating barriers and illuminating workforce and marketplace potential of America’s 54 million citizens with disabilities.


Utilizing EIN SOF’s extensive network of corporate, disability community and media contacts, presentations and corporate training topics include:


� Disability as Diversity�.Connecting the Dots
� Weaving an Accessible Welcome Mat for Customer and Employees with Disabilities.
• Illuminating the Infra-Red and Ultra-Violet of the Disability-Inclusive Diversity Rainbow
• The Economics of Disability: $uccessful $olutions
• The Disability Market: $how Me the Money
• Tapping Into the Disability Workforce Pipeline
• Disability Guerilla Marketing 101: Tapping the $220 billion in Buying Power
• Grafting Disability onto Your Diversity Business and Cultural Imperative
• Disability Culture: The Pride and the Power
• Untapped Potential: Disability Consumer Market and Workforce
• Customize Customer Service with the Disability Market


Visit www.EINSOFcommunications.com.

Ph. 310-473-5954; Email: tari@EINSOFcommunications.com





Julia HuangJulia Huang, CEO, interTrend

Julia Huang is the CEO of interTrend, one of the most innovative and fastest-growing advertising and marketing agencies focusing on the diverse and expanding Asian communities in the USA. She has led the organization's growth to build successful partnerships with clients such as Toyota, State Farm Insurance, JCPenney, Northwest Airlines, Charles Schwab, Verizon, Southern California Gas Company, and Western Union.

Julia has been a pioneer in the Asian American marketing industry for more than two decades. This is evidenced by her involvement in organizations such as Pacific Islander Census 2000 Network, Leadership Education for Asian Pacific, Organization of Chinese Americans, Japanese American Citizens League, Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team and Asia America Symphony Association and National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium. In 2002, Burger King Corporation appointed her to the company's Diversity Action Council. Julia also has been tapped by Los Angles County Supervisor Don Knabe to serve on his Asian International Business Advisory Group. Her professional affiliations include the Asian American Advertising Federation, for which she is a founding member and Board of Director. For the consecutive years of 1996, 1997 and 1998, Avenue Magazine honored Julia Huang as one of the 500 most influential Asian Americans.

Huang's vast marketing expertise has its foundation in postgraduate studies in communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Julia is fluent in Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese.

Speaking topics include:

Ph: 562-733-1880; julia@intertrend.com




Felipe KorzennyFelipe Korzenny, Ph.D., Florida State University

Dr. Korzenny has been a leader in the Hispanic Marketing industry since 1984. He has blended his academic expertise with his hands-on experience working with Fortune 500 companies as president of Hispanic & Asian Marketing Communication Research, and later as Principal and Co-Founder of Cheskin. His insights and methods have become standards in Hispanic marketing and advertising. In September of 2005 he published, with his wife, the leading book “Hispanic Marketing: A Cultural Perspective.” Now he leads the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University, the first of its kind in the United States.


For more information and links go to: http://www.korzenny.com

Speeches have included:

  • Hispanic Marketing: The Next 20 Years

  • The New Cultural and Linguistic Identity of the Hispanic Consumer: Implications for Marketers

  • Getting Your Pulse On The Cultural Bases of Hispanic Perceptions of Consumer Credit and Debt

  • Marketing Financial Services to Hispanics

  • Unraveling Cultural Archetypes to Develop Healthcare Products and Positioning Solutions

  • The Digital World of the US Hispanic

  • Advances in Hispanic segmentation for marketing

  • How to Increase Seafood Sales to the US Hispanic Consumer

  • Hispanic Research: How to Understand the US Hispanic Consumer

Ph. 650-274-3700. To email Dr. Korzenny click here.




Carl J. Kravetz, Chairman/Chief Strategic Officer


U.S. born and Mexico bred, Carl J. Kravetz is a twenty two year veterano of the U.S. Hispanic marketing industry. He heads Los Angeles based Hispanic advertising agency cruz/kravetz:IDEAS, which he founded in 1991. Under Carl’s leadership, cruz/kravetz:IDEAS has worked with such world-class companies as Coca Cola, Lincoln Mercury, Kraft Foods, Citibank, Denny’s, The Disney Channel, Fox Cable, El Pollo Loco, H&R Block, mike’s hard lemonade, Target, WellPoint and both of Mexico’s largest banks. Carl is also CEO of The Neighborhood LLC, a New York based firm specializing in multicultural marketing and education for the pharmaceutical and health care industries.


Carl is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) and Past Chair of the Hispanic Advertising Agencies Foundation (HAAF).  He is a past member of the Board of the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA).  He has been Chair of the AAAA’s Western Region and is Co-Chair of the AAAA Hispanic Committee. He also serves on the Association’s Government Relations Committee. Carl is the author of the AAAA’s “A Client’s Guide to Hispanic Marketing.”  He is in great demand as a speaker on multicultural marketing issues and has addressed, among others, the Mexican, European, South African and American advertising associations.

Carl holds an MBA from The Anderson School at UCLA, as well as a BS and an MS from Boston University’s School of Communications. He is married to Univisión health commentator Aliza Lifshitz, M.D., known affectionately to the Latino community as “La Doctora Aliza.”

Carl has spoken on:

  • Beyond language: Marketing to Cultural Identity

  • Best Practices in Hispanic Marketing

  • Multicultural America and the Future of Advertising

  • The Economics of Immigration

  • Hispanics and Health: A Marketing Conundrum

  • Selling Financial Services to the Unbanked

  • Preparing the Service Firm to do Business With Hispanics

  • Hispanic Food Trends and the American Palate


Web: http://www.ckideas.com

Ph. 310-966-1253, Email: jefe@ckideas.com


Eric Lipp

Eric Lipp, Executive Director & Founder, Open Doors Organization


The Open Doors Organization (ODO) was established in 2000 with a mission of making all consumer goods and services accessible to people with disabilities. ODO conducts corporate educational programs and does research and promotes tourism for the hospitality and travel industries. The goal of these and other programs is to create awareness and facilitate significant change. 



Frequent speaker at national trade shows & international conferences, including the 2005 National Restaurant Association conference, the International Conference on Universal Design, the 2006 Travel Industry Association Marketing Outlook Forum and the World Airline Customer Relations Association.

Featured in various prominent newspaper articles and travel trade publications such as: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Travel Agent Magazine, Travel Channel with Peter Greenberg, and various TV and radio programs.

Honored by travel agents with the ASTA 2003 Access to Freedom award and by the University of Illinois-Chicago with the 2004 Commitment to Diversity award.

ODO conducted two studies on the travel habits and trends of travelers with disabilities. The 2002 and 2005 ODO Market Study on Travelers with Disabilities, conducted by Harris Interactive, have received media attention across the globe.

Publishing the first ever City of Chicago guide on accessibility for travel and tourism.

Key Speech Titles:

 "Untapped Markets: $$ Amounts Spent by Individuals with Disabilities on Travel, Hospitality & Entertainment"

“2002/2005 Market Study on Spending Habits of Travelers with Disabilities”

 “How Aware is Your Business? Myths and Facts About Disability in the Marketplace”

 “Reaching Diverse Markets– Disability and the Mature”

Please visit:

Ph. 773-388-8839, Email: ericlipp@opendoorsnfp.org


bobRobert “Bob” McNeil, Jr.
President and CEO

Bob is the founder and president of IMAGES USA, a full-service multicultural marketing communications firm based in Atlanta.  With humble beginnings in his Georgia Tech dorm room in 1989, Bob has grown IMAGES into a thriving business enterprise employing more than 40 professionals with a client list spanning a variety of industries including automotive, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, tourism and government.
Bob continues to expand IMAGES’ client roster servicing industry giants such as America Online (AOL), Amtrak, Astrazeneca, Cardinal Health, Intercontinental Hotel Group, National Black Arts Festival, Proctor and Gamble, Scientific Games, Sprint and Wachovia to name a few. IMAGES creates and implements marketing communications programs to include advertising, public relations and promotions engagement marketing and conducts market research for clients wanting to successfully identify and reach their target audience. IMAGES USA was recently named “One of the Top Places to Work by Atlanta Magazine” and “Multicultural Agency of the Year” by the American Marketing Association, and also selected as a “Top One-hundred Business” by DiversityBusiness.com and Black Enterprise Magazine.
Speaking Topics:

  • Tips for Effective Branding

  • Using Text Messaging to Reach, Educate and Influence the Ethnic & Multicultural Markets

  • Effectively Reaching and Influencing the Multicultural Markets

  • Marketing and Advertising Social Awareness Campaigns to Multicultural Markets

Visit www.imagesusa.net.
Ph. 404-892-2931, Email: b.mcneil@imagesusa.net




emilEmil Morales

Chief Operating Officer – TNS Multicultural


In his leadership role for the multicultural division of TNS, Emil provides to his client engagements over twenty-eight years of in-depth business consulting, marketing and strategic planning experience within both consumer and business-to-business environments.  Emil has worked with clients on their multicultural marketing research projects in virtually every category including financial services, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, telecommunications and technology, and media and entertainment.  He has excellent market knowledge, understands and relates the do’s and don’ts of conducting research against multicultural markets, and how to develop and apply your own roadmap to success in learning how to reach these markets.


Prior to this assignment, Emil successfully established and led the North American telecom practice for TNS. Prior to establishing the telecom practice Emil served as Division President of the former NFO Research custom and syndicated business units focused on print and on-line media. 


Prior to joining TNS, Emil was Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Advanced Marketing Solutions (AMS), a custom software development company specializing in the application of expert systems to knowledge management.  Prior to AMS, Emil held positions of increasing responsibility in sales, marketing and strategic planning at AT&T.


Emil holds a BS in Business Administration with a major concentration in economics from Bryant College. 


Emil is an engaging and highly professional speaker.  He has been quoted and sought out by the press including: La Opinion, WSJ, and others.  


His speaking topics include:

  • The do's and don'ts of executing of marketing research among Hispanics

  • Creation of a research roadmap to success in marketing to Hispanics

  • General Hispanic research learning's in the following categories: Beauty Care, Financial Services, Consumer Packaged Goods  -Online vs. off-line research best practices

Emil can also adapt a presentation to adapt to a clients business needs and can speak broadly about the Multicultural market, its uniqueness, challenges, and pathways to success.


Ph. 619-814-1902, Email: emil.morales@tns-global.com.
Visit www.tns-global.com




morseDavid Morse is President and CEO of New American Dimensions, Inc.  


Prior to founding the multicultural market research company New American Dimensions in 2003, Mr. Morse was President of Cultural Access Group (CAG), where he grew it into one of the nation’s largest ethnic research firms. He is a frequent speaker on U.S. multicultural markets, and is known for having worked with some of the most successful companies in America in developing innovative and profitable ethnic marketing strategies.


Mr. Morse has over 20 years in market research, brand management, and strategic planning in the United States and Mexico. Prior to CAG, he managed market research for fashion brands at Levi Strauss & Co., developing a particular expertise in the urban youth market. Prior to his tenure at Levi’s, he lived in Mexico City, working as a Brand Manager for Gillette de Mexico, where he managed marketing and advertising for the company’s PaperMate brand.


Mr. Morse has held senior marketing and market research positions at Southern Pacific Transportation Company and American Honda Motor Company. He holds a Master’s degree from Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management where he specialized in Consumer Marketing, with a special emphasis on Latin America. Mr. Morse speaks Japanese and is fluent in Spanish.


His speaking topics include:

  • Hispanic Marketing 101

  • Hispanic Youth Marketing

  • Marketing to Multicultural Consumers

  • Marketing to GLBT consumers

  • Marketing to Millennials


Visit www.newamericandimensions.com

Ph. 310-670-6800, Email: david@newamericandimensions.com


Jo MuseJo Muse


Muse Communications, Inc.

Jo Muse established Muse Communications, formerly, Muse Cordero Chen & Partners in 1986. Muse is unique among general market advertising agencies, in that it develops multicultural messages regardless of language, ethnicity or culture.

Known as one of advertising's most imaginative and progressive leaders, Jo Muse has led Muse to national prominence. Muse is an advertising agency that specializes in diverse and emerging markets. Today, his agency continues as one of the leading independent agencies that addresses diverse market segments, including African American, Hispanic, Asian and Pacific Islanders, GLBT. During the last 19-years, Muse has produced award-winning work for world-class clients such as American Honda Motor Corporation, NIKE, MGM Mirage, Wells Fargo, Sempra Energy and the U.S. Army.

Jo is active in various professional associations and community organizations. He served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. He recently published his first book, The Shaman Chronicles.

Speech Topics Include:

Jo will also tailor speeches for specific audiences.


Ph. 323-954-1655, Email: jo@musecordero.com




Esther NovakEsther Novak is president and founder of Vanguard Communications, a marketing communications firm specializing in multicultural markets and serving Fortune 100 and select nonprofit clients.

Her broad experience includes marketing communications, corporate public relations, sponsorship/event marketing, government, philanthropy, and the arts.

Prior to founding her own firm, Novak was at AT&T where she established the multicultural public relations unit, directed regional community affairs and served as the AT&T Foundation's VP for Arts & Culture Programs. Novak was director of interdisciplinary programs at the National Endowment for the Arts and founded Rutgers University's Hispanic Arts Program.

Peruvian born, Novak has a long history of active community involvement.


Visit www.vanguardcomm.com

Ph. 732-238-7782, 212-949-6220, Email: enovak@vanguardcomm.com




William Ortiz


HispanicWorks and GlobalWorks Multicultural Division



William Ortiz, a native of Puerto Rico, raised in New York, is president of HispanicWorks and GlobalWorks Multicultural Division, an advertising agency that bridges two worlds: multicultural and mainstream. Located in New York, HispanicWorks was formed to specialize exclusively in marketing to Latinos in the U.S. Previously, William served as vice-president, Diverse Markets at JPMorgan Chase, and svp, account director for AT&T on the ad agency side. At Verizon, he was director of ethnic & premium marketing communications, and his other agency based experience includes Domino’s Pizza, The Dannon Company, Polaroid, Nabisco, CPC Knorr, Quaker State Motor Oil and SC Johnson. With more than 16 years of multicultural marketing experience and a history of proven, measurable success, William is a sought after speaker, has been quoted in The New York Times and authored articles for the ANA Advertiser and The Hub, among others.

Speaking topics include:

  • Uncovering the Insights That Drive Business

  • From A-Z: Marketing Retail Banking Products to Hispanics

  • Finding the Creative Edge

  • Telecommunications: Playing to Win

Visit www.hispanicworks.com

Ph. 212.252.8800, Email: wortiz@globalworks.com


Stephen PalaciosStephen Palacios
Cheskin New York

As the head of Cheskin's New York office, Stephen Palacios serves as a Senior Consultant on client engagements and heads Cheskin's Hispanic Practice. He runs projects relating to new market assessment, product innovation, communication strategy and overall program effectiveness. Palacios joined Cheskin with 14 years of business development and consulting experience, in the U.S. Hispanic market, Retail, Consumer Goods and Financial Services sectors. Palacios has led brand positioning, naming and identity executions for start-ups through $19B companies. Clients include Pepsi, Liz Claiborne Inc, Time Warner Inc., AstraZeneca and Citibank. Stephen's passion lies in finding where companies can create new opportunities and derive new revenue streams by creating or expanding their brand.

Cheskin is a strategic research consulting firm grounded in marketing and design with an in-depth understanding of people, their cultures, and the influences that motivate them. Cheskin is known as one of the preeminent companies in the arena of Hispanic research. We have been key players since the 1980s and have brought the world of the Hispanic consumer closer to our clients through innovative research methods and solid research skills. We recognize that innovation and success rest on an in-depth understanding of people. Our core belief is that authenticity, meaning and relevance inspire trust resulting in lasting customer relationships

Speaking topics:

Developing New Products Based on US Hispanic Market's Culture and Needs for Successful Market Penetration

Future Direction of the U.S. Hispanic Market: The Evolving Marketing Paradigm

Under-Recognized Multicultural Market Niches for Financial Services

Marketing Financial Services to Multicultural Markets

The Next Big Market Segment: Hispanic Populations

Ph. 917-860-0517, Email:





David Perez
Chief Executive Officer
Latin Force LLC


David Perez is the Chief Executive Officer of Latin Force LLC, a Goldman Sachs portfolio company and leader in the fields of strategy consulting and market intelligence.  A visionary in Hispanic research, strategy, and online, David Perez helps corporations connect with the U.S. Hispanic consumer. Some of the corporations that have benefited from David�s ground-breaking work include Kraft Foods, ING, MTV, Nike, Colgate-Palmolive, the National Football League, Neiman Marcus, Nickelodeon Networks, Cranium, Virgin Mobile, Epic Records, and Wells Fargo. A dynamic keynote speaker, Perez has been quoted in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Mediaweek, Adweek, and the Denver Post. He received the 2005 Hispanic Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year Award


Before starting Latin Force, Perez was president and co-founder of Lumina Americas, a Hispanic/Latin American integrated marketing company, and Chairman of the Cultural Access Group, a leading multicultural market research firm. David is co-founder of the New Generation Latino Consortium, a non-profit industry advocacy group. Previously, Perez had a successful career in finance, where he was Vice President of Wells Fargo Bank's Asset Management Division.


David�s speech topics include, among others:

  • The Need for Strategic Planning in the Hispanic Market

  • Developing a Business Case for Hispanic Programs

  • Integrating a Multi-cultural Communications Platform

  • Segmenting the Hispanic Market

  • Creating a Powerful and Relevant Hispanic Brand

  • Marketing to Hispanic Bi-culturals and Bi-linguals

  • Engaging the Hispanic Consumer Online

  • Selling to Affluent Hispanic Consumers

  • The Future of the Hispanic Market

  • Below the Line Hispanic Marketing

  • Financial Services and the Hispanic Market


Visit www.latinforce.net.

Ph. 212-813-6777, Email: dperez@latinforce.net





Jorge E. Reynardus
Co-founder / President
Reynardus & Moya Advertising

Jorge E. Reynardus is Co-founder of Reynardus & Moya. He has worked in the Hispanic Advertising industry for 18 years. Jorge has helped break barriers in Hispanic marketing and advertising for clients such as Pathmark Supermarkets, LaSalle Bank, Schering-Plough (Claritin), and ITT Tech, to name a few.


Jorge offers key insights to issues faced by today�s advertisers. Speaking topics include:

  • Avoiding the usual pitfalls when targeting the Hispanic market.

  • Today�s Hispanic market: What you must know to succeed.

  • Best practices and realities of the Hispanic market.

  • Developing a sound creative strategy in the Hispanic market.

  • Hispanic market nuances of today: From choosing a celebrity, considering bi-lingual packaging and the best practices in direct response.

  • The Hispanic Market: Implications and Integration.

Jorge holds a Harvard MBA as well as a Juris Doctor degree from The University of Puerto Rico Law School. Jorge is a member of the Board of Directors of The Hispanic Federation of New York. 


Visit www.reynardusandmoya.com. 

Ph. 212-204-8360, Email: Jreynardus@reynardusandmoya.com




Terry Simmons

CEO and Managing Partner, Simmons Associates, Inc.


Terry Simmons is Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner of Simmons Associates, Inc., an internationally known Human Resources consulting firm specializing in Diversity and Inclusion headquartered in New Hope, PA. Mr. Simmons has made a series of innovative contributions to the field of Diversity and advanced the-state-of-the-art by developing Vectors�, Wall Analysis�, Diversity 360� and many other concepts.


Mr. Simmons is the primary author of The Next Phase, a diversity-related program that helped Merck & Company, Inc. win the OFCCP's first EVE award for voluntary EEO/AA efforts. This program was later implemented in over 125 major organizations, thereby reaching over one million participants. Mr. Simmons is the writer and producer of many videos related to the topics of diversity, equal employment opportunity, and eliminating sexual harassment. Titles include �Pieces Of The Puzzle� and the award winning �Twenty Questions.� Mr. Simmons has also participated as an Expert Panel Member for DiversityInc.�s Top Ten Companies for Diversity.  Simmons Associates clients include Accenture, BBDO New York, Edward Jones Investments, Johnson & Johnson, Lowe�s, MasterCard and PepsiCo.


Mr. Simmons holds a degree in Management and Industrial Relations from New York University. He has completed additional professional training in Organization Development at Princeton University, and Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University. Mr. Simmons is a member of the adjunct faculty at Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations. For more information, visit www.simmonsassoc.com


Mr. Simmons� available speaking topics include:

  • Executive Commitment To Diversity

  • Vectors� - Moving Managers from Neutral to Proactive at PepsiCo

  • One Hundred Invisible Forces: Achieving Change In Diversity Related Business Behaviors

  • The Second Revelation: Getting Diversity Results from Middle Managers

  • Building Strategies and Effective Metrics for Driving Change and Commitment for Diversity

  • Developing a Pipeline of Diversity Talent for Top Leadership Positions:  Models that Work

  • Measurable Diversity Results From Line Management: The Story Of McNeil Consumer Healthcare

  • The Evolution of Diversity: 25 Years & What�s Next

Ph. 215-862-3020, Email: terrys@simassoc.com





Terry J. Soto, president and CEO of About Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Terry J. Soto, president and CEO of About Marketing Solutions, Inc. is a well-respected voice in Hispanic market strategy consulting. Her expertise spans a broad range of industries, including work for companies such as Kraft Foods, Ringling Bros., Dean Foods, Coca Cola, Wells Fargo, Cigna Healthcare, Harris Bank, Levi Strauss, Disney Consumer Products, and Absolut. In addition to consulting to Fortune 500 companies on entry strategies into the Hispanic market, she is a frequent conference speaker, is a sought after resource and contributor to Hispanic market feature articles across a variety of industry media and she also guest lectures on Hispanic Market strategy at NYU and Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Business and Management where she earned her MBA.


In April 2006, Kaplan Publishing released her new book; Marketing to Hispanics A Strategic Approach to Assessing and Planning Your Initiative in which Terry shares her approach to research, assessment, planning and strategy development frameworks that she believes are necessary to apply before any company starts creating demand in the U.S. Hispanic market. The book has quickly become required or recommended reading at a number of universities which offer Hispanic marketing coursework. Previously, she was also the lead consultant on the breakthrough retail industry study Grow with America Best Practices in Ethnic Marketing and Merchandising commissioned by the Coca Cola Retailing Research of North America. Terry is a native of Guayaquil, Ecuador and is completely bilingual and bicultural.

Terry speaks on the following topics:

  • Right Fit Strategies, Operations and Infrastructure for Sustainable Hispanic Market Success

  • Creating the Strategic Blueprint for Connecting With the Hispanic Consumer

  • Building Your Bottom Line: An Integrated Approach to Ethnic & Mainstream Merchandising

  • Defining the Strategic Fit Between Hispanics and Your Organization

Visit: www.aboutmarketingsolutions.com

Ph. 818-842-9688; Email: terry@aboutmarketingsolutions.com






Luke Visconti

Partner and Cofounder, DiversityInc 


Luke Visconti is a partner and cofounder of DiversityInc Media LLC. He directs all editorial operations of the magazine, which has an audited circulation of more than 170,000, and the web site, which reaches more than 800,000 unique visitors monthly. He also oversees marketing and circulation.


Mr. Visconti developed and directs the methodology for The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity�. His blog, �Ask the White Guy,� is a top draw on DiversityInc.com. He is a frequent senior-level lecturer on the business benefits of diversity to corporations, business groups and nonprofit organizations.


He is a recognized leader in this field and has appeared on FOX, MSNBC and CNBC. Mr. Visconti is regularly quoted on diversity issues in publications such as The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, BusinessWeek, Fortune and The Wall Street Journal.


Mr. Visconti and his business partner founded DiversityInc in 1998. Prior to entering the publishing industry, he was on active duty as a naval aviator and commissioned officer with the U.S. Navy from 1982 to 1990, and in the reserves until 1992. Mr. Visconti holds a bachelor of science degree in biology from Rutgers University.


Mr. Visconti is affiliated with the following Associations: Trustee, Bennett College for Women; Trustee, Rutgers University; Board Member, New Jersey City University Foundation; Board Member, The PhD Project; Member, United States Navy Diversity Senior Advisory Group; Member, Trendsmart Panel, Scripps Network and Member, PRIMER (Puerto Ricans in Management and Executive Roles)


Awards received include the �Bridge Builders Award� from the Rev. Jesse Jackson at the Wall Street Project conference; �Legacy of Leadership� award from Dr. Beverly Tatum, Spelman College; Member of the Year, PRIMER and was named Distinguished Alumnus by Rutgers University.


Recently, Luke has been a keynote or plenary speaker at Bank of America, Cleveland City Club, Country Insurance, Daimler Chrysler, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Harrahs, Human Resources Association of Central Ohio, Conference Board, INROADS, Institute for Diversity in Health Management, Jacksonville First Coast Diversity Council of the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce, KeyBank, Kodak, Mortgage Brokers Association, NSHMBA, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Rochester Hispanic Heritage Event, Spherion, State of Delaware, the U.S. Navy, United States Air Force, United States Food and Drug Administration, Woman's Foodservice Forum.


Luke's speaking topics include:


  • Why Diversity?

  • Business Case for Diversity

  • Diversity & the Bottom-line

  • Diversity-Management Best Practices

  • Diversity Return on Investment

  • Generational Diversity

  • The Cost of Being Homogenous

  • Benchmarking

  • Leadership Accountability


Email: Foundation@DiversityInc.com  Telephone: 973-494-0518. Visit: www.diversityinc.com & www.diversityinc.com/foundation  






Lisa SkriloffLisa Skriloff, President
Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc.

Lisa Skriloff is the founder and president of Multicultural Marketing Resources, Inc. (MMR), established in 1994, a public relations and marketing firm representing the leading experts in marketing to Hispanics, Asian Americans, African Americans, women business owners and other ethnic and lifestyle groups. Her company publishes Multicultural Marketing News; a multicultural e-newsletter; an annual directory, The Source Book of Multicultural Experts and Multicultural Travel News. The Multicultural Marketing Resources Library, located in MMR's offices, serves as a resource center for professionals in the industry. Multicultural Speakers Showcase is the newest MMR launch.

Ms. Skriloff has been a guest speaker and moderated panels on Ethnic Marketing at the Direct Marketing Association Emerging Markets Conference; the Health & Beauty Association Global Expo; and the IIR and SRI conferences on Direct Marketing to Multicultural Markets, Marketing Financial Services to Multicultural Markets, and Multicultural Markets Online. She teaches "Marketing to the New Majority: How to Reach the Multicultural Consumer," at New York University's (NYU) Center For Marketing. She teaches a workshop "How to Establish Yourself as an Expert" offered by The Seminar Center in NYC. She has been quoted in The New York Times, Advertising Age, The Wall Street Journal, among others on multicultural marketing, about minority and women owned businesses and regarding travel experiences in 60 countries. She has lived in Spain, Mexico, Germany and England.

Speaking Topics:

  • Multicultural Marketing Panel
    Meet 3-5 top experts in a panel moderated by Lisa Skriloff. Panelists will cover the following segments (choose 3-5):
    -African American
    -Asian American
    -Russian Polish
    -People With Disabilities
    -Women Business Owners
    Panel can appear as part of a conference or on site at a corporation.

  • Diversity Day At Your Company
    We can assist in providing one speaker or a full day of speakers and presentations.

  • A Woman Business Owner's Story

Click here for full bio.



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